Our New Model: Building Long-Term Tech Capability

Today, we’re announcing a whole new way to build long-term tech capability into your organisation. We solve long-term tech capability challenges for businesses at each stage of the lifecycle through building high-performing teams of resources at all levels, ready to solve shorter term needs at speed, whilst simultaneously leaving companies with long-term and improved in-house capability.

In 2022, digital transformation is a constant. Businesses need to continually adapt, innovate and accelerate their digital capabilities to stay ahead.

As a result, companies are urgently looking to build a sustainable capability to deliver their digital goals in-house.

However, a digital skills crisis - due to cost the UK economy £141 billion by 2030 – is creating a fiercely competitive market for talent. As a result, companies have resorted to partners, third parties, contractors – effective in solving short-term goals but, critically, that don’t help organisations with the long-term goal of building a permanent capability. 

We started La Fosse Academy in 2019 to close this gap. Our tech services business combines free training for people from diverse backgrounds, equip them with the latest skills and, most importantly, integrate top quality tech education with immersive experience so they’re ready to have a major impact when they start their careers.

We’ve seen huge success since we launched: in our first year we graduated 60 new people into technology and are on track to graduate 400 this year. And our commitment to free, inclusive training has led to extraordinary diversity statistics:43% are female, 57% ethnic minority, 85% from lower income backgrounds, wouldn’t have been able to access this scheme had it been paid for.

Our long-term goal is to make a transformative difference in reducing the digital skills gap in the UK.

Today, we’re announcing a whole new way to build long-term tech capability into your organisation.

We exist to help our customers adapt, innovate and accelerate in this new landscape. We listen to our customers’ needs every day, and have recognised that they need more than early-stage resources to be successful in the long term.

Our new model looks far beyond developing top-quality, diverse early-stage talent, and instead solves long-term tech capability challenges for businesses at each stage of the lifecycle. 

We do this through building high-performing teams of resources at all levels, ready to solve shorter term needs at speed, whilst simultaneously leaving companies with long-term and improved in-house capability.

Solving short term capacity, building long-term capability

We blend our teams with experienced consultants and associates and give companies the ability to hire our associates permanently after two years, allowing them to retain knowledge grown from within their business.

Once our trainees pass the training course, we provide an opportunity to join teams to deliver against company objectives, surrounded by mid and senior level individuals they can learn from. Then, instead of rolling off or creating dependencies like other third parties might, we give our customers the opportunity to convert our associates into permanent employees, helping them towards the long term goal of building a sustainable tech workforce. 

As such, we leave our clients with a legacy of talent – super smart technologists, both trained by experts and with practical experience of working within their companies.

"I have been extremely impressed with all colleagues that we have brought in from La Fosse Academy.  They all have had a brilliant attitude and desire to learn as well as being very intelligent and adding a huge amount of value to our teams."

Sean Burton , Lead Engineer, Kingfisher

Embedding high-performing teams with a clear exit strategy

Our flexible offering means we can provide the full team, encompassing senior, mid-level and juniors, or we can place our associates into existing teams, if companies have that capability already.

The opportunity to convert our associates into permanent employees means our clients both build their capability and retain their digital IP over the longterm, rather than seeing it disappear out of the door at the end of a traditional contract or consulting project.

Are you looking to build your tech capability? We’re here to help

We have 15 years’ experience in tech resourcing solutions and work closely with companies to serve their needs.

  • Contact us! Get in touch to speak to speak to our expert team

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